Thursday, May 31, 2012

Hi all,

this is the final draft of the invite, I know it is a different design from the ones I initially came up with, but I hope you like it!

I have the lists of addresses and invitees, I would love it if you would look over the invite, make sure the wording and such is accurate, and if no one sees any needed changes, I will get these printed up and sent off.

let me know if I need to change anything,

Sunday, May 13, 2012

possible invite designs for marion's bridal shower

 Hello Katie (and maybe other bridesmaids),
       These are some ideas for the invite for marion's bridal shower. I just made up some text for the sake of design, I don't even know if I got the weekend right (I would love some input on this part of the invite). let me know what you think in terms of designs, color schemes, themes etc.
       I like a lot of color, so these are all pretty bright, but I am open to suggestions and any thoughts you all might have about what would be best!