Wednesday, March 20, 2013

sketches for momo and kate wedding monogram

Morgan and Kate, 
        Here are a bunch of ideas I sketched/photoshopped up for monogram type images for your wedding. I have no idea if any of these are the type of thing you were looking for, but I figured I would send along a bunch of ideas so that you could either tell me that they are all awful (but now you can give me more direction to do it right), or that you like them and we can work one into a finished design.   

       The ones that are black and white are hand-drawn, some of these I also inputted into photoshop and played around with colors, the ones that are all color are either a combo of hand drawn and photoshop, or strait photoshop.  None of these have the woodblock feel you (momo) said you liked, but these are just initial sketch/color studies, if any of the designs have promise, we could make them as woodblocks (or lino blocks), and they would have that look. 

      So, take a look at these, figure out if you like any (either whole or in part), and what you are thinking about colors. Also, I was basically doing monograms, focusing on your initials, there are a few in here that have some other elements (flowers, swiss cheese...) and if there was an element that you wanted in there (turtles, cookies, hearts) we could also figure out how to incorporate. 
