Wednesday, March 20, 2013

sketches for momo and kate wedding monogram

Morgan and Kate, 
        Here are a bunch of ideas I sketched/photoshopped up for monogram type images for your wedding. I have no idea if any of these are the type of thing you were looking for, but I figured I would send along a bunch of ideas so that you could either tell me that they are all awful (but now you can give me more direction to do it right), or that you like them and we can work one into a finished design.   

       The ones that are black and white are hand-drawn, some of these I also inputted into photoshop and played around with colors, the ones that are all color are either a combo of hand drawn and photoshop, or strait photoshop.  None of these have the woodblock feel you (momo) said you liked, but these are just initial sketch/color studies, if any of the designs have promise, we could make them as woodblocks (or lino blocks), and they would have that look. 

      So, take a look at these, figure out if you like any (either whole or in part), and what you are thinking about colors. Also, I was basically doing monograms, focusing on your initials, there are a few in here that have some other elements (flowers, swiss cheese...) and if there was an element that you wanted in there (turtles, cookies, hearts) we could also figure out how to incorporate. 


Sunday, September 2, 2012

Scott and marion rehersal dinner invite options:  The wording should be the same on all, and the bottom three are the same, just different color schemes...

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

tree silhouette thoughts

These are some silouette pieces, this one is simple, with this you could either just write inside (or outside) depending.  You could also incorporate it with other stuff. 
This is a green silhouette on white paper, with this you could write around the space,  you could repeat, you could use a range of greens...

This is the silhouette piece with a green background... the white is crisp, but you can also do some fun stuff with color.

The most traditional, in this, you could just write inside the space of the white tree.

Monday, June 11, 2012

a few one-a-days from may

I have been doing a one-a-day project with the simple parameters that each piece should be 9 x 12.
These are a few I liked from the past month.

These are a few I liked from the past month.

the first of some tree designs for lauren

Hi Lauren!

        I know you said pine tree and only the one is a pine tree at this point... and I know you said nothing about elephants or tree houses, but bear with me, and as more develop I will send them along.  Let me know what stuff you like and what you don't. Most of these are black and white, but they don't need to be, and they are simple, but we could go more complex. These are sketches, once I have an idea of what I  (and you two) want I will move onto bigger versions, these are all roughly 9 x 12.

          Let me know what you think!

This would be the base of a tree, with some sort of tree pattern and space for writing notes above it. It could be either coniferous or deciduous.
This is my favorite of a few pine tree-ish designs I did. If we were to do something like this for the final, we could do either regular or irregular branch shapes, and either the central spheres or more interspersed spheres.
This one really has very little to do with what you told me, but in my defense, I did it before you sent me back the answers to those questions. The point of this one is: you could go more random if you wanted to, and flowering trees have nice shapes. I have moved away from these sorts of designs, but thought I would at least show you.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Hi all,

this is the final draft of the invite, I know it is a different design from the ones I initially came up with, but I hope you like it!

I have the lists of addresses and invitees, I would love it if you would look over the invite, make sure the wording and such is accurate, and if no one sees any needed changes, I will get these printed up and sent off.

let me know if I need to change anything,

Sunday, May 13, 2012

possible invite designs for marion's bridal shower

 Hello Katie (and maybe other bridesmaids),
       These are some ideas for the invite for marion's bridal shower. I just made up some text for the sake of design, I don't even know if I got the weekend right (I would love some input on this part of the invite). let me know what you think in terms of designs, color schemes, themes etc.
       I like a lot of color, so these are all pretty bright, but I am open to suggestions and any thoughts you all might have about what would be best!